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Sustainability and technology in textile finishing: a look into the future

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Sustainability and technology in textile finishing: a look into the future
Alper Kayim
Alper Kayim
Venture Development Manager

Sustainability and technology in textile finishing: a look into the future

In a world where the call for sustainability is growing ever louder, technology in textile finishing plays a crucial role in reducing the fashion industry's environmental footprint. The combination of advanced technology and sustainable practices enables companies to deliver high-quality products without harming the environment. In this article, we take a closer look at how technology is impacting sustainability in textile finishing.

1. water-saving technologies

One of the outstanding topics is the development of technologies that minimize water consumption in textile finishing. Innovative processes such as the use of printing techniques that do not require water or the reuse of water in closed cycles clearly demonstrate the potential for reducing the ecological footprint.

2. renewable energies and energy efficiency

The use of renewable energies such as solar energy and wind power is another key aspect. By integrating photovoltaic systems and wind turbines into production facilities, companies can not only cover their energy consumption but also feed surplus energy into the grid. In addition, energy-efficient machines and automated systems play a crucial role in minimizing energy consumption.

3. biodegradable materials and circular economy

The development of biodegradable finishing materials and the promotion of the circular economy are key issues. By using sustainable materials and implementing take-back systems for recycled products, companies can make a significant contribution to reducing waste and environmental impact.

4. digitalization and automation

The digitalization and automation of production processes offer immense opportunities to improve efficiency and sustainability. By using smart technologies, machine learning and data-driven approaches, companies can optimize their processes, save resources and minimize their environmental impact.‍


The combination of sustainability and technology in textile finishing is a key issue that is transforming the industry. The combination of water-saving technologies, renewable energies, biodegradable materials and digital innovations points the way to a more sustainable and future-proof industry.

It is crucial that companies, researchers and stakeholders work together to find solutions to steer the textile finishing industry in a direction that is both environmentally responsible and technologically advanced. With the right use of technology and a commitment to sustainability, we can shape an industry that is in tune with the demands of our time.

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Member of the Management Board,

Dirk Hartmann

Member of the Management Board,

Initial situation

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No options for printing on site
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Each item was printed by an external
service provider
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High time expenditure due to external contracting


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We no longer need to use external service providers for individual textiles and have thus saved time & money
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Articles can now be printed independently on site
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"refinemate has enabled us to map jersey printing professionally and directly at the POS. This has allowed us to catch up in the benchmark and has saved us costs."
Head of Service,

Marco Koch

Head of Service,

Initial situation

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Have worked exclusively with ready-made films supplied by service providers and could not print individually
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Printed products could not be offered in line with benchmarks
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Due to limited space resources at the POS, other printing solutions were unsuitable


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A competent store solution that we can place directly at the POS with all components
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Software can be operated by any employee, as it is very user-friendly
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